The Institute of Allied Medical Professions believes the basic purpose of is to prepare one for the highest degree of self-realization through quality education and training necessary to face the complexities of today's work environment. IAMP is a private career school, training students in the field of medical imaging since 1974.

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Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 5:30pm
Friday 9:00am - 3:00pm
Manhattan Campus: (212) 847-7490
Stamford Campus: (203) 541-5674
Long Island Campus (516) 450-3110
Appointments are recommended.
Financial Aid Office Services
At the Institute of Allied Medical Professions, we know that the financial aid process can seem a little confusing, particularly if you have never applied for student aid in the past. That’s why our financial aid advisors work with you one-on-one to help you understand financial aid and navigate through the application process. Before you even begin classes, your advisor will meet with you to discuss the various financial aid programs, assist you with your applications, and review the various options available – and of course we’re always here to help you once you start school too.
Financial Aid Eligibility
Financial aid is available to all students who are enrolled at the Institute of Allied Medical Professions and meet the basic eligibility requirements. The term “financial aid” includes grant programs and loan programs. Grant aid is awarded based upon financial need, but student loan programs are available to all eligible students regardless of the student’s financial situation.
Financial Aid Application
The starting point for all financial aid is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA application is available on-line at www.fafsa.ed.gov, and our Financial Aid Office will gladly assist you with the on-line application process. Once the application is submitted, it takes two or three days for the school to receive the electronic reply from the US Department of Education. The information contained in this document allows the Institute of Allied Medical Professions to calculate the amount of student aid each student will receive.
Upon completion of the application process, your financial aid advisor at the Institute of Allied Medical Professions will prepare a package of financial aid for you based upon your eligibility and financial need. Your advisor will discuss the timing of aid payments, explain billing and payment procedures, and can advise you about alternative financing sources.
Financial Aid Programs
The Financial Aid Programs available at the Institute of Allied Medical Professions include:
Federal Pell Grant
Eligible students at the Institute of Allied Medical Professions who have not received a Bachelor's degree may receive this grant based on financial need. Federal Pell is a grant that does not need to be repaid. Click here for Information about Federal Pell Grants from the U.S. Department of Education.
Federal Family Education Loan/ Federal Direct Student Loan Program- Stafford Student Loans
All eligible students at the Institute of Allied Medical Professions are able to borrow a traditional “student loan” from the Federal Student Loan Programs. These loans are called Federal Stafford Loans, and the interest on these loans may be subsidized and unsubsidized. Click here for Information about Stafford Loans from the U.S. Department of Education.
Federal Family Education Loan/ Federal Direct Student Loan Program– Parent PLUS Loans
The parents of dependent students at the Institute of Allied Medical Professions are generally able to borrow a parent PLUS loan from the Federal Student Loan Program. Parents can borrow up to the full cost of education (minus any other aid received). Click here for Information about Parent PLUS Loans from the U.S. Department of Education.
Veterans Benefits
Veterans of the Armed Services are generally eligible for educational benefits from the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The VA pays all benefits directly to the veteran/student, not to the school. The veteran/student must apply for benefits directly with the VA, and the Institute of Allied Medical Professions will certify the student’s enrollment and academic progress to the VA each trimester. The VA makes monthly payments to the student based upon that certification.
Veterans with a service-connected disability and children/dependents of veterans who were disabled or killed in the line of duty may be eligible for even more generous benefits. For more information about VA educational benefits, please contact the VA at 1-888-GI BILL-1 (1-888-442-4551) or visit their website at: VA Educational Benefits webpage.
Social Security Survivor's Benefits: Check with your local Social Security Office for information on eligibility and benefits.
State Vocational Rehabilitation Educational Programs: Educational programs for persons with disabilities vary from State to State. Programs are also available for the vocational rehabilitation of former prisoners in some States. Check with your State's vocational rehabilitation office.
Bureau of Indian Affairs: Registered members of a Native American tribal group may be entitled to educational benefits. Request information on grants and/or loans from your tribal headquarters or education office. Information is also available from the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Washington, D.C. 20245.
State Unemployment/Displaced Worker Benefits: Benefits vary from State to State. Contact your State Employment Office for information.
Canadian Student Loans: Loans are available for Canadian citizens/legal residents. Programs may vary from Province to Province. Contact the Student Aid Office in your Province for more information.
Flexible Institute of Allied Medical Professions Payment Plans:
Students who do not qualify for sufficient financial assistance will appreciate our flexible payment schedules. Contact the Financial Aid Office at your campus and speak with your advisor to discuss how we can work with you today!
Additional Information
To learn more about the financial aid process at the Institute of Allied Medical Professions, click here for information on "How To Apply" for financial aid. For information about your rights and responsibilities as an applicant for federal student aid, visit our "Rights and Responsibilities" webpage. To complete your on-line "Entance Interview" or "Exit Interview" for your Federal Stafford Student Loan, vist our "Loan Interviews" page.
Application Deadline
The Institute of Allied Medical Professions works on a "Rolling Admission" system. This means that students may apply to the program at any time during the year. Students wishing to receive financial aid should apply at least thirty days in advance of starting classes. Students who apply later will still receive consideration, but may be required to pay their tuition and other charges up-front and be reimbursed by late-arriving financial aid.
Students seeking more detailed information about financial aid, including all of the above programs, should contact the Institute of Allied Medical Professions Financial Aid Office at their campus.